Property developers hertfordshire
Blog, Developments

Property developers hertfordshire

“Always looking for the next development”

Want to earn yourself a minimum 2% Finders Fee -Last few have been £10k upwards!

Distinctive new homes for over 20 years.

Year after year, Harvey Construction has been regarded as one of Hertfordshire’s best property developers. We create high quality, exclusive homes. Through the development of a large land portfolio and many building projects, Harvey Construction is committed to building new, prestigious, quality homes. Property developers hertfordshire, Essex, Bedfordshire, Buckinghamshire, London and many more places.

“We have consistently contributed to the availability of impressive homes”.

We are always looking for our next site.

  • If you are considering selling your land, get in contact with one of our team.
  • We go and view it and potentially agree a deal.
  • Solicitors are instructed.
  • We pay for the searches.
  • Within 7 days you could have the money sitting in your account.
Property developers hertfordshire

Take a quick read of our Land aquisition page click here.

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  1. Kelly Buckland says:

    I am looking to sell our house and additional land plot we have.
    In total we have over an acre but under two.
    We have been contacted by a property developer already but wanted to see the appetite as they are taking too long. Kind Regards

  2. jharvey says:

    Kelly fill the contact form in please and we will contact you via email. Jack

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